The Media

The media is very influential among the American people. They can affect the spread of coronavirus just by saying it is safe to go out or that masks are uneffective.On the other hand, they can cause panic by lying about the lethalty of it.

Mask or no Mask?

It's very simple, wear a mask. All research suggets that wearing a mask can help prevent the spread of covid-19. Although, that may not be what people are seeing. It is somewhat common for people to say that wearing a mask causes hypoxia, hypoxemia, or hypercapnia, but thats just not true. No evidence suggests that any of those are a possibility. Its true that carbon dioxide can build up, but not enough to cause anything harmful. Another misconception is that it is against Fourth or Fifth Amendments. In reality, the business has a right to deny service to anyone, even if you have a medical condition. Wearing a mask won't hurt anyone, only help.

How accurate is the news?

Everyone knows the news can't always be trusted, but as of recent, they have been at an all time low in accuracy. During a pandemic, misinformation can be very harmful to a society. As seen in the picture, a good amount of people are not getting the information they need. 24% of people aren't and 34% of people say the COVID-19 news is hurting the country.

Numbers Inflation

One interesting thing to note is the fact that hospitals get almost 30,000$ more from Medicare if they put a patient on a ventilater compared to a less severe hospitalization. What else is true, is that hospitals get paid more if they claim that a patient has covid. The money also raises if a patient with "Covid" dies. This could lead to the covid numbers being inflated. It's impossible to say whats true and what isnt, but its always good to keep in mind.